Cherokee Cigars are known all over the world for their smoothness and amazing taste. Each little cigar offers a perfect mixture of tasty 100% premium leaf tobacco. Cherokee cigars offer a great selection of classic tobacco taste and three exciting flavor styles; Menthol, Mellow, Full Flavored that shake things up and spread aromatic goodness all around.
Cherokee filtered cigars are perfect for avid smokers when they need a quick and smooth smoke. These filtered cigars come with a 100% natural wrapper and are perfectly ready to be enjoyed anywhere, anytime. It's smooth smoke, great taste, refreshing flavors and the soothing feelings of relaxation make Cherokee one of the best filtered cigar brands in the US.
Cherokee filtered cigars feature blended premium Black Cavendish leaf tobacco that makes for a sweet smoke that is full of delicious flavors and pleasant aroma. Pick the flavor that's right for you!